
Here are my resources! I invite you to check out any of the ones that speak to you.

These bite-size experiences are great to experiment with if you want to just dip your toe into the concept of recalibration and living a lush, vibrant life as your most unapologetically and authentically expressive, free, vital, unique, creative self.


Complimentary Resources


Alchemizing Our Failures into Fuel

To Catalyze your re-framing of the beliefs & Experiences that aren’t serving your self-leadership

Ready to explore and play with recalibrating your relationship with “failure” and comparison? To receive this complimentary simple visual that outlines the 5 key aspects of this process, click below.



The Recalibration Code

Key tenets & philosophies of the community I’m creating for women passionate about recalibrating back to our unapologetically expressive, free, vibrant, creative, unique selves, so that we can create the impact we desire. Click below to grab your complimentary copy of the code.



Your Vitality Formula

Reignite Your Vitality And create more space for what lights you up

Have you discovered your unique Reignite Your Vitality formula yet? To receive the resource with a simple, easeful process to identify the 5 ingredients that make up your unique formula, so that you can access your creativity & intuition with more flow & ease, cut through that busyness with what lights you up, show up as your most unapologetically expressive, vibrant, unique self for your family, your friends, your colleagues, your clients or customers, and create your impact in this world, click below.



Are Your Dreams & Goals Soul Aligned?

fill your life with dreams & Goals that are truly aligned to you

Want to make sure that the reality of your dreams isn’t too far off from your vision of it? To receive the handout with 4 prompts to help you discern this, click below.




the Recalibration Kickstart Guide To Becoming Unapologetically, Authentically You


Have you felt like you’re losing your sense of who you are, as you navigate between all the roles you take on in your life? Have you been feeling frustrated with some part of your life but can’t figure out what changes will fix it? You may need to take a step back and explore where you’re operating on your own terms and where others’ norms and expectations may be holding you back. I invite you to click below to learn how this guide will help you identify what elements are true to you.




Simplify Your Decision-Making: Catalyzing Your Connection to Your Inner Compass

Small group experiential workshop to help you more easily tap into the information and wisdom you already have within you. For more details, click below.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash


Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash

Redefining Success: Catalyzing Your Unique Path to Authentic Success

Small group experiential workshop to help you jump off the hamster wheel and disentangle from traditional definitions of success so you’re going after what’s truly in alignment with you. For more details, click below.


Or you’re so welcome to follow along the journey we’re on, by joining the (e)mailing list for “Vibrant Living Postcards From Vidya.

It’s where I share with you what I’ve learned, my musings & perspectives about reigniting our sparks & rediscovering who we are, the experiments I’m conducting, what’s happening next, and more…as I continue to aim to live a vibrant life as my most unapologetically expressive, free vibrant, creative, unique self.