Feeling burnt out? Let’s talk self-care

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This topic seems timely after the week I've had & some of the conversations I've been having with women.

One of my coaches had said this to me a while ago when we were speaking about my self-care routine:

"The point of self-care is to prime you to get you into your zone."

And that really resonated with me...it's like

stretching daily so you can hit your stride in your exercise routine
practicing scales as prep to sign or play an instrument
or maybe even
learning vocab words every day before taking the SATs/GREs/GMATs... 

So...if you’re feeling burnt out, or struggling to get through the day, create or tweak your self-care routine.  Scheduling in the time for self-care consistently will help with focus, anxiety, overall well-being…

If you currently don’t have a self-care routine, you could start by picking something that resonates with you - in fact, you may already be doing things that provide you the self-care benefit. Some things in my toolkit: journaling, meditation, listening music, and dance.

Some of my clients find what helps also includes: walking their dog, or cuddling with their pets, yoga, exercise, painting/drawing, gardening, cooking fun meals, starting the morning on the beach listening to the waves…

It’s about choosing what feels good to you so that you stick with it & it serves its purpose of helping you get into your zone.   

And if you’re thinking...
"This is just adding more things to my to-do list, I’m already so overwhelmed!!"
Do a little experiment (my inner science and econ/finance self geeks out on this):

1) Start with a blank slate

2) Pick one thing that resonates with you

3) Do that consistently in the morning for a few weeks (at least 21 - 30 days) - before you get too far into your day

4) Keep track - in terms of energy, focus, efficiency...whatever factors are most important for you right now - to figure out your return on investment. 

Do you currently have a self-care routine? What are some of the things in your toolkit? And if you’re just starting, what are you going to start with?
