I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed with emotions these last few months - from sadness to frustration to rage - as we see situation after situation happening across the world, time and time again.
And I remembered being told for most of my life that I’m too sensitive because I would easily cry, not only when I was upset but when someone around me was hurting, or I would get so worked up when faced with a situation (mine or someone else’s) that felt unfair.
To the point of being so overwhelmed by the emotion that I couldn’t verbalize my thoughts coherently or I’d freeze on taking any action.
Have you felt this too?
And the message I internalized was that it’s safer if we didn’t feel so strongly, especially if it was sorrow or anger.
But as I’ve deepened into my own personal development, detangled from the cultural norms I’ve been conditioned with, and supported others in their empowerment, I began to own my sensitivity and allow myself to fully feel my emotions.
I’ve realized that:
A fully empowered woman feels - and allows herself to feel - all of her emotions, no matter how big they are.
Because connecting to all aspects of yourself - including the emotional - is what empowers you. By fully acknowledging (feeling) all of your emotions, you can then process and catalyze those emotions to take actions towards the impact you want to make.
If you’ve haven’t yet given yourself permission - or you feel like you shouldn’t - I invite you to allow yourself to feel your emotions. Perhaps it’s just 1% more than you have been…to start.