What do you truly want for your life?

In my last post, I talked about people - one of the 5 pillars of my framework - and I shared some questions to ask yourself as you cultivate and assess your circle.

Today we're touching on another pillar: soul.

This is a great time of year (but you can do this at any time) to tap into who you are at your core. And from that place - ask yourself, what do I truly want?

I was telling one of my clients last week to think of it as 'dance like no one's watching.'

Meaning, what are your deepest desires? The ones you haven't told or wouldn't tell someone else? What do you want so much but you're scared to voice aloud? What would you say if you didn't have to worry about being judged, by yourself or by family, friends, colleagues or society?

Get really clear on what you want from and for this life of yours that sparks joy, aliveness and fulfillment in your life right now.

Make a list for all areas of your life. It's not that you'll be rushing headfirst into everything on your list as soon as you list it out. But this exercise gives us a starting point to dig so much deeper and that's where the fun  & growth starts :).

I highly recommend you try out this exercise. And if you want to learn how to take this further/how we could go deeper, to start making shifts in your life now rather than waiting for a 'someday' down the road that may never get here, do reach out.

Know someone who could benefit from this message? Please share this post with them.

