Who do you let into your circle?

 I never thought I'd be quoting Wesley Snipes but I came across this quote & it's so on point:

"Your circle should want to see you win.

Your circle should clap loudly when you have good news.

If not, get a new circle."

- Wesley Snipes

This week I wanted to talk about the people you surround yourself with - who do you let into your circle?

One truth that I know from my own ups & downs and seeing others' experiences is that we need a circle or at least one person who can stand for & by us and for whom we can do the same when things get tough AND when they're going well.

But you should be very deliberate about who you invite into your circle. This may mean saying no to someone - ending relationships or letting them fade away. 

You want to make sure the people in your circle are an aligned, energetic fit.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself as you cultivate or take a look at your circle:

Are the people in your circle a safe space for you to share the good, bad & ugly?

Do they challenge & inspire you to grow?

Do they get who you are, providing both the tough love & the comfort - all with compassion?

Can you provide the same for them as they do for you?

And this can be a difficult decision criteria, but perhaps the most important: 

Does this connection drain your energy consistently?

(there will always be a give & take, ebb & flow but if your energy is consistently drained, this connection may not be one that serves you)

I've been fortunate in the last 20-25 years to build a few circles. If you don't have a circle or support system right now, don’t worry, you can start with one person and grow it from there (and they don't all have to be in each others' circles for them to be in your circle either). Is there one person in your life that you can trust to have your back and for you to have theirs?

Know someone who could benefit from this message? Please share the link with them.

And as you move closer to a new year and reflect on your life, I have 2 more important questions for you:

Do you feel like you've been going down that day-in & day-out 'rinse & repeat' cycle without an end in sight? Putting the important things on hold until that one day in the future but secretly you’re terrified that you’ll look back on your life and have so many regrets?

Do you want to experience your life to the fullest with more fun, joy & fulfillment right now, actively creating the experiences, memories and sanctuary that continuously make you feel alive and recharged?

If you dream of spending time on what's important to you, making the most of each day, having fun and feeling alive & fulfilled while doing it, without waiting for that ‘someday’ in the future, I’ve got great news! I’m taking all these concepts - a taste of it is what I shared above re: your circle - and I’ve packaged it in a complete program so that you too can start loving & celebrating the life you’re living now.

If this intrigues you, I'd love to share more with you. Send me a message and I’ll reach out!

