What does the space where you live & work do for you?

I've realized how much our space (environment) impacts our lives, how we work & live. It can make a BIG difference in our work & life satisfaction. 

And I'm really excited to share one little tidbit about this concept with you today.

When you look at your space - whether it's your work space or living space (or all of the spaces you spend time in during your day) - how does it make you feel?

Does it energize you? Inspire you? Help you focus? After a stressful, exhausting day, does your space soothe, comfort or bring you joy?

Your space is one more piece of the puzzle that can bring you joy, help you feel more focused, rejuvenated, alive, and fulfilled throughout your day.

We can go SO deep on this, but I want to give you one thing you can take away and implement right now.

(1) Identify one thing in your space that when you look at it, it elicits calm or a spark of joy or fulfillment or aliveness...(you get to decide what feeling you want to evoke)

(2) At least once a day, take a few minutes to really see that thing and let the feeling it evokes really seep in

My clients know this but if you haven't worked with me yet, in our sessions, I often bring us back to how things make you feel. Because I've seen how that can impact how we approach the things we do.

The emotion that's sparked internally, sparks our external view. Do you notice that when you're feeling really sad or angry you might see or react to things differently than when you feel really joyful?

Do you have something in your space that you've noticed helps you feel more alive, fulfilled or joyful? For me, I recently bought a cute, small french provincial style dresser and every time I look at it, it brings a smile to my face. And I take the time to soak that feeling in so I have it with me as I go about my day.

Know someone who could benefit from this message? Please forward this post to them.



P.S. Did you miss my co-hosting episode on Beyond Small Talk last week where I joined Jackie Janiec to talk about Soul Goals? You can still catch the episode on IG TV or Spotify