If you’re like me, you might tend to lean towards worrying about being prepared enough (I always have to keep an eye out for my perfectionist tendencies) when you’re starting something new.
But what if not knowing everything can actually be a bonus? See, I know that when I’m used to doing or seeing something a certain way, it’s really easy to get tunnel vision and, over time, become susceptible to missing something deeper.
Not knowing all the ins and outs of something can give you the lens to really identify any gaps that others steeped in the processes or culture might not even realize exist. And that plus having the courage to speak up and ask ‘why?’ is something to nurture (and if anyone says otherwise, don’t listen to them, they are not a fit for you).
It took me a long time to develop the confidence and courage to realize that not knowing everything can be a gift. Is this something you struggle with?