What stories are you still carrying with you?

Do you have a story from your past holding you back in some way because it no longer fits who you are now?

I'll share a personal example to illustrate:

When I was in high school, the guidance counselor told my parents

Vidya thrives on chaos.

When I heard that, I started wearing it as a badge of honor that I could manage loads of classes, clubs, activities, speeding through high school in 3 years barely breaking a sweat. And I continued to live that way for years - juggling work, grad school, skating, dancing, singing classes, work & personal travel, family & friend time & events - and in the back of my mind I’d think ‘yes, I thrive on chaos.’ 

Except...a few years ago, I was juggling a multitude of things - as I typically did - and I just couldn’t keep up. I constantly felt exhausted and I couldn’t figure out why...I felt that I should be able to because... ‘I thrive on chaos.’

And I realized that the story that drove my decisions and how I lived my life for almost 2 decades, no longer held true for me.

Once I gave myself permission to walk away from that story and change my expectations of how I ‘should’ be doing things, I was able to connect with what does help me thrive in my life. 

Is there a story from earlier in your career, or from school or your childhood that you’ve carried with you but no longer fits? How will you rewrite that story for who you are today?

